Shelburne Business Plan

Shelburne Business Plan

Application for Financing CBDC Shelburne

CBDC General Business Loan

Commercial Loans for Businesses and Entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada

From small businesses to even larger ones, there are many times when a business may need a commercial loan. Perhaps you need to procure new machinery or equipment? Maybe it’s time to upgrade your facilities or buildings. Or perhaps a loan is the only way for you to improve or expand your business to tap new market opportunities. Banks and other traditional lending institutions can often be unavailable to you. At the Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC) we might be able to help! The most flexible commercial business loan we offer, the CBDC General Business Loan was made just for these situations.

CBDC’s General Business Loan may be offered to businesses that meet the following qualifications:

  • Entrepreneurs or businesses purchasing a new or existing company in rural Atlantic Canada;
  • Expanding an existing business;
  • An existing company in need of working capital;
  • Both year-round and seasonal businesses are eligible;
  • Eligible business expenses may include: start-up, land and buildings, fixed assets, machinery and other equipment, fixtures and furniture. In some cases, vehicles strictly for business uses may also qualify;
  • Franchise purchases and Leasehold improvements are also eligible;
  • Potential borrowers must show a legitimate chance of economic viability. Employment creation and/or maintenance without negatively impacting existing area businesses is also a necessity.